Sponsorship Opportunities

Join us in making a difference with a one time or annual donation or becoming a corporate, regional, or global sponsor– because together, we can turn the tide for those with cystic fibrosis.

Corporate Partnerships

Are a creative way to support our mission, collaborate on cause marketing, company match programs, product development, branding, and product integration.

Financial Gifts

Looking for a tax break and a way to support our mission? Whether you’re an organization, foundation, business, family trust or individual.  You can show your support with stocks, bonds, properties or cash.

Event Sponsorship

Is a great way to get involved on a regional level.

mauli ola foundation event volunteers

In-Kind Donations

Non-cash gift made to our organization of goods, services, time, and expertise.  In Kind donations can help MOF’s mission in a variety of ways to enrich our advocacy efforts.


Can be a big help from an organization to be utilized for year round growth, generating awareness, and funding Surf Experience Days nationwide.

May The Wave Heal Us All